Increase Your Blog's Alexa Ranking

Alexa, definitely you have heard the name before has now come to first position in ranking system. Almost every one having a blog or a website want's higher rank. For this they spend hours and pay high amount of money to boost their ranking. The paid traffic may boost your ranking but infact later on it will decrease rapidly.
The only reason for boosting alexa rank is because it matters for everyone website. People choose to select the website for different purposes viewing their alexa rank. The lower the number is the larger it is popular. According to alexa rank google ranks first, facebook second, youtube third and so on. These sites get thousands of unique pageviews daily so they rank first, second and third. But some sites do get thousand pageviews but their ranking isn't good. So for those people whose alexa ranking isn't improving, here are some tips. These tips comes from my experience and believe it really works.
So here we go:
  • Traffic
The most important thing for boosting alexa rank is traffic. Without traffic if you implemented other steps also then your site cannot improve. So try getting more and more traffic. The best traffic is the organic traffic that comes from search engines, probably more from google. So index your pages on google very fast. Don't buy traffic and if you wish also then buy unique one !

  • Alexa Widgets
Alexa provides number of widgets related to traffic rank. Install any one of those in your site. You can see a live example of it in my blog also. You might ask how it will help to boost rank as it doesn't bring visitors. But believe me it helps to connect your site to alexa and provide good ranks. You also can see most of the webmaster have this widget. It is because they also will to boost their rank.
  • Alexa Toolbar
The most important feature of alexa ranking is that it provide rank according to the number of toolbar available. Before some months i also used to think that it does nothing but before some weeks i found great results. It really matters. So, inform your readers about toolbar. Do the starting of it by downloading it yourself.
  • Claim/ Review your site
As soon as you start your site sign up for alexa and claim your site. Claiming your site gives more control over your site. If you can then you can certify your site. After certifying your site metrics your ranking will be increasing. Fill up all the information of your site, information, country, region,etc. Fill up all the info. Ask your visitors, friends, relatives, pal, etc to review your site. Reviewing your site makes it to make it closer to Alexa. be sure that they review good not bad.
  • Update your site 
It's strictly recommend that you update your site regularly. Keep on posting articles that are unique and are likely to get impressions. Get more backlinks and comments. Updating your site bounds alexa to rank your site.

So these were the tips that i could give. Hope that your alexa ranking will be good. Implement now as it takes lots of time. No matter how much traffic you get ranking good in alexa takes a long time. So it's better to start your journey from now on.
Thank you !

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Make Your Blogger Page Title SEO Friendly

You might have seen the bunch of text appearing at the top your every browser. That is what we called page title. In addition to this it is also the same link that we see on search engines which is clickable. From the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) point of the view it is the most important element of your blog for ranking better in search engines. It is obvious that people might search the hot trending topics like "Cardi B arrested at NYC Strip Club" or something like "Patrik Mahomes vs Broncos", and it's our major focus to get our blog's post at the first page of google search, for which SEO is an essential factor. And further more, making our titles SEO friendly will enhance the search as well as quality of our blog's post.
From this it can be concluded that a page title with high impact keywords ranks good in search engines and ultimately leady to boost our click through. Moreover it also drives some amount of unique traffic to our site. In blogger the page title is made up of blog title and post title. If the title of the post is not mentioned then its title will be the initial words of the posts.
Here is an example of it:
The above example is the search listing for the post having title "Water is colorless but ice made of water is white, why? In the above search listing some keywords (is, white, why?) are missing. Only first keywords are seen and the last few keywords are hidden. This is because of google as it only shows up to 70 characters of the page title in search results page. So whenever the page title exceeds the limit (70 characters) google simply cuts it off and so its victim will have to suffer low rank in search engine's result pages. 
Now what will you do ? Whats the solution for it? If it's so then you came to the right place.
The solution for this is simple. The thing that should be done is just reverse the position of blog title and post title. By this post title will be shown in full granting it high priority in comparison to blog title. So here is the explanation of this:

  • Go to your Blogger Dashboard
  • Move towards Theme > Edit HTML
  • Look for the below code using CTRL + F 
  • Replace the above code with the one below;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

  • Save your template 
After replacing your code, it will replace your Blog's post title as mentioned above.
If you're having any queries regarding it, you can simply ask me !
Thank you,
Blogger Smasher

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Adding Special Effects in Blog Images

Masking is a brilliant way to make a picture of any type look more attractive. It ultimately became a favorite technique of me as I knew how to mask a image for the first time in photoshop. After a long journey in Adobe Photoshop, I came to blogger and I desired to mask a image in blogger too.
But for the few days I couldn't, but as the day passed on, I ultimately knew how to mask the picture easily in a blogger blog.
Being an excellent designer our job is to provide the best quality things, and mask technique also falls in it. I know that many of you guys may already know about it, but still wide range of bloggers fall in the group who are not aware of it. So i came up with this post.
 But before see a LIVE DEMO of masking a image:

So what is your remarks for this. Probably the masked image is better than that of real image. So what are you waiting for. Lets know how to do it:
  • Go to dashboard>template>template designer.
  • Add the below CSS code in your blog.
.maskeffect { -webkit-mask-image: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 350, from(rgba(0,0,0,3)), to(rgba(0,0,0,0))); }
  • Apply to Blog and save it !
Now, it's turn to mask the pictures. For masking any pictures, just use these below codes;
<div class="maskeffect">
<img src="imageurl">
Replace "image url" with your image URL which you want to be masked.
Thanks for taking your time to read this post ! If you're having any difficulties regarding masking your blogger image, simply comment down below !
Thank you,
Blogger Smasher

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Adding games in your Blog Posts

Who won't like a game in this present time. Probably all will surely like it. People of very large range like games due to it's vast scope. Games can be for entertainment or for education.

But the most interesting is that we can add games in Blogger too. Imagine blogger & Game, what a great combination ya. Today this tutorial will help you to add the Online games in Blogger. This is Just really awesome Tutorial. Remember never keep a copyrighted game. They may claim their game and force to remove that post. So you may be in loss to. It's a simple guide. Lets Do it.


If you can make a small game, create it. But if you cannot you can try this;

  • Go to Google Search. 
  • In Search box type “Embed Games”.
  • A list of URL will come. 
  • Go to any of the URL. 
  • Find the Embed code and copy it to notepad or other plain text editor.

Remember embed code usually look like this:
<embed height="500" menu="false" pluginspage="" quality="high" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="700"></embed>
In width and height you can keep yourself, which suits your taste.

  • If you want to host game file in your own sever then download embed games file with extension(.swf) and add it to server.

  • Create a new post
  • Switch back to HTML Mode
  • Add the copied embed code to the code window
  • Enjoy the game !
Thank you for taking your time to read this post !
Blogger Smasher

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