Hello guys! Today I am bringing you an amazing tool. A free Html Encoder Tool. It will encode the especial characters in a single click.
As you all know what HTML already is ya and how important it is for blogger. But sometimes (like while commenting) the HTML codes like <,>,",etc won't work. It will instead mess up the site. SO as a solution this Html encoder tool is made.
The code in HTML are encoded like this
- '<' will be encoded to '<'
- '>' will be encoded to '>'
- '"' (double quote) will be encoded to '"'
- ''' (single quote) will be encoded to '''
- '&' becomes '&'
I hardly can guess people who can encode all these codes. Sometimes we may mistake also. So, don't worry. Here is the tool;
Some tips to use this tools are;
- Type in your code.
- Then hit encode and it will be encoded.
- Copy it and paste it in your site.
Happy Blogging!!